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Test for reproductive toxicity
Test for in vitro cytotoxicity
Test for sensitization
Test for irritation
Tests for systemic toxicity
Pyrogenicity test
Test for genotoxicity
Test for carcinogenicity
Test for local effects after implantation
Tests for interactions with blood
Immunotoxicity test
Bio-degrade test

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    Home > Business > Test for sensitization
Test for sensitization

    There are currently two animal assays available for the determination of the skin sensitizing potential of chemicals. The two most commonly used methods for testing for skin sensitization are the Guinea Pig Maximization Test (GPMT) and the closed-patch test (Buehler test). The maximization test is the most sensitive method. The closed-patch test is suitable for topical products.

Methods of sensitization includingGPMT, Buehler test,LLNA




Up:Test for in vitro cytotoxicity

Down:Test for irritation


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